

  • Copertina Quaderno Operativo sulle stagioni balneari

The ISCOP (Institute for Contemporary History of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino) is recognized by the Education Ministry as up to dating institute on contemporary history themes, thanks to the convention between the MPI and the INSMLI and for this purpose it has an assigned teacher (Donatella Giulietti). Collaborating with other associations in the territory, (MCE Clio92 Casa della Pace Historia ludens) the ISCOP and the library archives “V. Bobbato” work closed to school world convinced that the didactic activity is a fundamental means of transmitting to young people a higher historical consciousness and of democratic and civil participation.


The institute, in fact, since many years, has a particular attention to school world, making an important activity of up-to-dating and didactic research to innovate the methods of teaching history also thanks to the use of different methods and languages.


During the last years, the Institute tried to diversify the proposals to better answer to the needs of a school invested by deep transformations.


Within the vast national project “Education to citizenhood” - a project made as a model for didactic activity by the Institute for History of Liberation Movement in Italy (INSMLI)  and by the provincial and regional Institutes -  the Pesaro Institute concentrated this purpose in some specific topics.


Beside the teacher training, there is the direct participation of experts in schools, the creation of laboratories about local history themes, the reflection and the proposal of working methods on some memoir places in our province, the activation of research groups to project specific paths with teachers and schools.

Topics of didactic activity

  • Activities with classes
  • Activities for training and up-to-dating  teachers
  • Publishing activities (Italian version)